In companies, such as ours, that develop software and create IT services in a market with a high level of competition and where increasingly sophisticated products are born and increasingly complex problems are faced, provide the interested parties (internal and external) with goods and quality services, to increase satisfaction, constitute the fundamental lever to overcome the challenges that we are committed to facing.
Since 1977 Sarce carries out its activity in the world of Information & Communication Technology; we went from working on computers that occupied entire rooms to smartphones with a thickness of a few millimeters, from systems to which a few terminals could be connected to the cloud. Few companies in Italy can boast such different experiences.
Beyond the technology used, the client companies have always asked us for security and a sort of partnership with a reliable organization, with people place their trust in, people wh,o in addition to being competent on business issues, prove to be reliable and available understand problems and offer solutions.
SARCE is therefore aware that Quality means, in addition to the correct assessment of the context, adequate risk analysis and the ability to satisfy its customers, external or internal, ability to propose new solutions.
These values and objectives made it natural, in that distant 1996 and among the first software companies in Italy, to achieve UNI EN ISO 9001 Certification. The certified processes concern software design, consultancy, marketing and assistance of IT solutions in management-administrative and networking areas, the provision of Outsourcing and Software as a Service services, the provision of professional training services through courses, individual lessons and multimedia tools.

SARCE therefore identifies the following objectives, to achieve which all the company’s collaborators, called to contribute daily with ideas and personal commitment, must compete according to their responsibilities and skills:
Respect the laws in force and the contractual commitments undertaken. Ensure security in the processing of customer/supplier data and their confidentiality by all staff.
Identify and satisfy the requests and expectations, explicit or implicit, of the Customer, aiming at improving the image on the market through:
– quality in software design, with a high focus on development methods and the most effective and innovative technologies; removal of any errors within the time allowed by the contractual SLAs;
– quality in the products offered, understood as the ability to adequately respond to market demands: this is to acquire new customers and retain loyalty, with the offer of technologically safe, innovative solutions and in respect of the best price – performance ratio;
– quality of the services provided, of assistance, of training, of start-up, understood as a constant attention to the customer’s needs and to the costs that he incurs with respect to the benefits from which he benefits;
– consolidated methods of project management in order to guarantee implementation times and the achievement of objectives;
– the involvement of customers, internal users and prospects with the tools on the web and social networks deemed most suitable.
Loyalty of staff through:
– active participation with economic awards based on the results achieved;
– targeted training with which to promote a qualified collaboration that increasingly leads to behaviors of autonomy and responsibility;
– a suitable and comfortable environment, equipped with adequate safety measures to protect health;
– ways of working that allow greater flexibility both in terms of hours and spaces.
Correctly define the economic and financial objectives and ensure their achievement in order to allow the company to invest in its growth.
Strive and act for continuous improvement by involving the various organizational levels.
Guarantee and support the constant evolution of the “Quality System”, adopting the methodologies described in the specific internal documents which will have to adapt to changes in internal and external conditions. Commitment to maintaining and implementing the ISO 9001 certification.
Ensure the best infrastructures and security / confidentiality measures necessary to always guarantee the safekeeping and management of the IT assets of the companies that have chosen us as outsourcers.
The implementation of this quality policy, a fundamental tool for pursuing the achievement of the objectives defined for all interested parties, is:
• a daily commitment of all staff,
• financially supported by the Company through the provision of the technical, economic and human resources necessary,
• periodically reviewed by the Management,
• transparently submitted to customer verification,
• objectively controlled by an independent Certification Body.